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From the Mailbag


You are right to be concerned about using the laptop in the barn on a regular basis. There are two major issues with that: excessive heat and dust. You must keep the laptop as cool and dust-free as possible. Pantyhose is excellent for controlling the dust. Just buy some cheap pantyhose, cut it to fit, and then duct tape it over the intake air vents on the laptop. So long as you keep the laptop out of direct sunlight and keep the dust out of the case then you should be OK.


Keeping all of your photos on your smart phone is a really bad idea. Use Google Photos instead. It is free, unlimited, and your photos are kept safe in The Cloud on Google's servers. That way, if anything happens to your phone then you can replace/repair the phone with no worries about losing the photos. It also means you can access your photos from any computer or phone that you come across, so long as you have your user name and password handy.

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