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From the Mailbag

Joey has an older truck and the factory stereo offers no modern features like Bluetooth or AUX input. He is looking for an inexpensive Bluetooth speaker. Try the OontZ Curve.

I bought one a few months ago and I love it. In my experience, it is loud enough to be heard over engine noise but may be drowned out if you like to ride with the windows down.


The USB flash drive is a nice start for backing up your photos. But remember, two is one and one is none. If that flash drive fails, your pictures are gone. I recommend that you add at least one cloud service. Here's a couple . . .

Google Photos (Free Unlimited Storage)

Yahoo's Flickr (Free 1,000GB Storage)

Of the two, I recommend Google Photos. Yahoo is probably going to be sold sometime soon and there is no telling what the new owner will do with Flickr.

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