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From the Mailbag

CURTIS wants to know how to "unstick" Windows Update. He has a laptop running Windows 7 that stopped updating 3 months ago. The Windows Updater just grinds away for hours without downloading/installing anything. This is a known and extremely common issue. Walter Glenn over at How-To Geek already did an article on this. Thanks Walter!

How to Fix Windows Update When It Gets Stuck

Curtis, follow the instructions there and let me know if that does not fix the problem for you.


AMAYA-CHERISE has hearing/vision difficulties. She is interested in purchasing a Roku but has questions about the accessibility features. I have never used any of the accessibility features personally, but Roku does have a page on their Web site devoted to the subject HERE. Amaya-Cherise, please let me know how you make out with this. If you wish to write a review, then let me know and I will be happy to publish it here for the benefit of others.


JENYA wants to know whether I know anything about bushcraft, camping, or survival tech. That is NOT my specialty. However, based on what I do know I recommend you keep it as low tech as you can. High tech gadgets are really cool until you find yourself in a real survival situation and the gadget(s) do not work or do not work the way you expected. Focus on the five Cs . . .

  • combustion - fire keeps you warm, wards off predators, and pasteurizes water

  • container - to carry water and cook in

  • cordage - to build shelter and set snares

  • cover - to shelter you from the elements

  • cutting tool - aids in shelter building and firewood preparation

*** UPDATE ***

It just occurred to me that I should probably show some love to some of the bushcraft people I follow on YouTube. These people clearly know their stuff and I have learned a lot from their videos. Check them out when you have a moment and tell them who sent you.


Keep the questions coming!

Getting in touch with me is easy . . .

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