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Privacy Advisory

09/11/2017 UPDATE

Now it looks like there is a SERIOUS problem with the algorithm that Equifax is using to assign PINs for people doing the credit freeze.



Just a few days ago, a credit reporting agency called Equifax reported one of the largest data breaches in U.S. history. By their own admission, at least 143 MILLION Americans are affected. If past data breaches are any indication, you can expect that number to rise over the months ahead. If you are risk averse, then now would be a good time to place a freeze on your credit report. Placing a freeze restricts who is allowed to view your report(s) and limits their ability to open accounts in your name.

Yes it will be a pain in the ass, but that is certainly better than having a criminal take advantage of your credit and possibly ruin your good name. Follow the links below for more details.


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