From the Mailbag - 07/07/2021
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LEENA bought an MSN TV kit from a yard sale for $5. What does she need to do to get it running?
Sorry LEENA. On September 30, 2013 Microsoft pulled the plug on MSN TV. There is no way to get it running again.
DARLA runs a small home-based business, usually with 6-10 employees. She has been using QuickBooks for two years now and she really hates it. Mainly due to the "poor quality" of their customer support. Are there any Web-based alternatives?
This is NOT my area of expertise. However, over the years I have heard good things about FreshBooks. It appears they offer a free trial, so give them a try. Be sure to let me know how you make out.
MARVIN is looking for reasonably-priced Bluetooth earbuds. Any suggestions?
Here are two highly-reviewed products from Amazon.
Keep the questions coming!
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