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From the Mailbag - 08/11/2021

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CHET AND MIRANDA are getting ready to buy a new computer. They sent me links to two machines, an HP Desktop and a 512GB Mac Mini. Which one do I recommend?

Buy the Mac Mini. However, you will save $100 if you buy it from AMAZON instead of buying direct from Apple. The Mac Mini is a very solid machine and you can even run Windows on it if you need to. Click HERE to find out how.


OMAR asked how to start his own Internet radio station?

Take a look at both Live365 and Shoutcast. Both services have been around for a long time. They make it easy to get started and will also handle all of the music licensing for you.


JON wants to know which processors are better: AMD or Intel?

In the early 2000s, AMD had a HUGE lead on Intel with their Athlon processors. Then Intel released their Core 2 processors and it was game over. Intel took the lead and from that point on there was no real competition. Nowadays, AMD processors are mainly used in cheaper, low-end computers. Always go with Intel. Their processors are faster and more reliable.


Keep the questions coming!

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