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From the Mailbag - 09/08/2021

DEMETRIA is paying Xfinity ~$140 per month. She is fed up with the never ending price increases and wants to know how she can get her bill lowered?

Give Billshark a try. They will negotiate with Xfinity on your behalf to try and save you money.

"Billshark charges a one-time fee of 40% of savings. If we can't save you money, you don't pay a fee."

PRO TIP: If you ask, they will set up a monthly payment plan for their fee.


EARL has an older 32GB USB flash drive that gets very hot. Is this normal? Should he be worried?

Warm or very warm is OK. Hot is not. If the drive is hot to the touch then something is wrong. At the very least, that excessive heat will shorten the life of the drive. You run the risk of losing any data on it as well. I would go ahead and replace it now if I were you. Flash drives have never been cheaper.


DANIEL has a 3 year-old desktop computer. He maxed out all the specs when he bought it but it is still not as fast as he would like. Any suggestions?

You have already maxed out the memory at 16GB. The next best thing you can do is upgrade the spinning hard drive to a Solid State Drive (SSD). Crucial is a good source for SSD upgrades. Click HERE.


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Keep the questions coming!

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