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From the Mailbag

KAYLA is looking for a good quality, decently-priced microphone to use for the ZOOM calls she has to do for work. With COVID It seems like everyone suddenly needs a good quality Webcam and/or microphone. Here's one . . .

Right now, Amazon has it for $84.95 + FREE shipping. Ratings-wise, it has 4½ stars on 807 ratings.


ERIC is frustrated because he cannot get Mozilla Thunderbird to work with his GMail account. He is certain that all the settings are right but Thunderbird keeps saying the password is wrong.

I had this problem too. This is a Google problem. All you have to do is log into your Google Account and turn off "Less secure app access". Here are the instructions from Google's support page . . .

Now go back to Thunderbird and try again. It may ask you for the password one more time and no more after that.


MUHAMMAD does not like the Windows 10 Start Menu. He wants to know whether there is a way to make it look like the Start Menus from the earlier versions of Windows. Here you go . . .

Open-Shell-Menu is a third-party program that allows you to "skin" (i.e. change the appearance of) the Windows Start Menu. I used it 3-4 years ago for exactly the same reason Muhammad. Give it a try and let me know whether you like it.


Keep the questions coming!

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