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From the Mailbag - 10/06/2021


Retailer Neiman Marcus recently announced that they suffered a massive data breach way back in May 2020. Hackers compromised approximately 5 MILLION customer accounts as follows . . .

  • names and contact information

  • payment card numbers and expiration dates (without CVV numbers)

  • Neiman Marcus virtual gift card numbers (without PINs)

  • user names, passwords, and security questions/answers

Customers seeking more information about the breach can call 1 (866) 571-9725 or visit their Web site. In this case, I think the chances of a successful class action lawsuit are pretty low considering that Neiman Marcus filed for bankruptcy last year. In their bankruptcy filing, they reported owing between $1-10 BILLION to more than 50,000 creditors. Get in line.


RHYLEE asked whether she can still get the free upgrade to Windows 10?

As of August 10th the free upgrade was still available. Click HERE for details.

Thanks go to Ed Bott of ZDNet for that fantastic article. He has been all over this story from the beginning.


LEVI lives in a very isolated Midwestern town with no high-speed Internet access. He does still have a landline phone though. Is NetZero still a decent option for free dial-up Internet?

I actually called LEVI and spoke to him at length. I confirmed that he does in fact live in a high-speed Internet dead zone. He also has some pretty serious budget limitations, so mobile hot spot and satellite Internet are also out of the question for now.

NetZero has been offering free dial-up for at least 23 years. It appears that you can still get up to 10 hours of free Internet per month. However, dial-up Internet is really SLOW. Between the now massive Windows updates and all of the rich content on modern Web sites, I no longer see it as a viable option. Good luck LEVI but I see a lot of frustration in your future.


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