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From the Mailbag

BRADY wants to know whether anyone has written a Windows 10 Guide for Dummies? He recently upgraded from Windows 7 and is having trouble navigating the new interface.

I have two suggestions for you . . .

  1. Go to YouTube and search for Windows 10 guide, Windows 10 introduction, or Windows 10 tutorial. I am sure you will find dozens of videos on this topic.

  2. Paul Thurrott wrote an eBook called Windows 10 Field Guide. Disclaimer: I have NOT read this book. However, I used to listen to a podcast that Paul was on. He has been writing about Microsoft and Windows for a long time. He knows what he is talking about. The book is probably pretty good.


AARON wants to know whether those gold-plated HDMI cables you see in big box stores like Best Buy are worth the price?

NO!!! Never pay for those overpriced cables. All I ever use is the inexpensive cables from Monoprice and I have never had a problem.


MANDY wants to know what the difference is between IMAP and POP3 email?

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) opens a "window" to the mail server. You are reading the mail but not downloading it. The benefit to IMAP is that your mailbox will always look the same, no matter what device you are on when you bring it up.

Post Office Protocol (POP3) allows you to view, download, and/or delete mail off the server. Your mailbox will look different depending on which device you are on.

I recommend IMAP over POP3. Click HERE for a Microsoft support page on the subject.


Keep the questions coming!

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