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From the Mailbag

LUTHER has an iPhone XS Max with a cracked screen. He wants to know whether I can fix it?

Unfortunately, I do not repair phones. However, since you are in Rehoboth Beach (Delaware) I recommend you give my friend Jyaire a call. He runs a business called Universal Tech Repair and he does fix phones - 1 (302) 725-7728. Tell him Kevin sent you.


DONNA went to a Web site and got a popup window that said her computer was infected. She called the 800 number in the popup and spoke to Windows Support. They took control of her computer, fixed the problem, and charged her $99. Her neighbor told her she was scammed. Is this true?

Unfortunately, yes you were scammed. Find a local computer guy and tell him you want to have Windows reinstalled. I call it a Wipe and Reload . . .

  • Back up your data.

  • Format the hard drive.

  • Reinstall Windows from a source known to be good.

  • Restore the data.

Remember, Apple and Microsoft will NEVER contact you out of the blue about anything. Anyone claiming to be Apple, Microsoft, or Windows Support is a scammer. Do NOT click links or dial telephone numbers from a popup window. You will also need to call your credit card company to have them cancel your card and issue a new one. This will prevent the scammers from charging you again.


BRENDAN has a small business and would like to improve his Google search results. Should he pay someone to help?

You have to be very careful with Search Engine Optimzation (SEO). If you do it wrong then it could cause Google to penalize you by (1) down ranking or (2) de-listing you from their search entirely. Before you pay anyone, I recommend you go HERE and use Google's tips to see whether you can improve things on your own.


Keep the questions coming!

Getting in touch with me is easy . . .

Via Phone - 1 (443) 837-5471

Via Email - CONTACT ME

Via Twitter - @MONTechSvc


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